Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Making Them Mind...With Music

Ever notice how easy it is to get things done with a child when you do it to song? They seem to tune right in when your instructions are in a song. I clued in to this phenomenon with our first child. Clothing and diaper changes seemed more like bonding time when we sang, “This is the way we change your diaper, change your diaper, change your diaper…to make you nice and clean!” It transformed our fussy baby into a smiling, cooing, playful boy during his least favorite activities.

Cleaning up is always more fun when we sing the “Clean Up” song. Children simply respond differently to music than to spoken directions. They are innately drawn to music, so parents, take advantage of it. Yes, people might look at you funny as you sing your way through the grocery store with small children in tow, but it’s worth it if it gets them through Publix with a sweet smile!
Cost to you: FREE! (Okay, it may cost you a little dignity, but it all depends on how you handle it...think Carmen Diaz in "My Best Friend's Wedding"-the karaoke scene, of course!)
For more frugal parenting ideas, check out Frugal Friday at Biblical Womanhood.


Calina said...

My child learns so well with music! I bought a state/capital CD and was homeschooling my middle daughter, my youngest was singing and identifying all of the 50 states at two years old!

I really like the Piggyback books for simple songs. Also the Sing a Song series. Or you can go to The author of these books has this website. Lots of little songs. is also one of our favorite song sites.

I added you to my blog role today. We seem to be kindred spirits in our teaching styles! LOL!

Donna said...

That's a high compliment. Thank you!

And thanks for the Piggyback Songbook recommendation...I'll check it out!